How to Write a Reflection Paper: Instructions and Tips

One of the most important documents we can ever write is the reflection paper. It is easily the most challenging and perhaps dangerous activity that we can undertake. Recall Narcissus and the tragedy that occurred to him when he looked at his reflection in the water. Being able to see ourselves interacting with objects around us leads us to attachments that may induce us to wreck ourselves. We are often slaves to pain and pleasure, and when we meet the pleasurable or the painful, we are likely to overreact and lose perspective altogether. This article helps us to remember how to write reflection papers and principally, how to come up with a reflection paper thesis.

We are going to consider the main factors for creating a practical ability to write a reflection paper. These factors include:

  • Keeping a proper sense of identity
  • Practicing the correct method of thought and reflection
  • Formulation of an appropriate strategy for interpretation of experience
  • Application of approach
  • Writing
  • Reviewing and refining of reflection paper thesis

The essence of the reflection paper is the reflection paper thesis. This thesis emerges from the processes outlined above and is a consequence of the subconscious mind creatively analyzing and synthesizing the material presented to it through the stages that we are going to follow and live through. By turning our conscious minds to these activities, we activate neural networks spread across the universe and elicit efficient responses. These responses, in turn, generate physical reactions like utterance and writing.

Therefore the best way to experience how to write a reflection paper is by engaging the conscious mind with the basic structure of thought required and leading the mind unconsciously to develop the needed reflection paper thesis. Doing so helps us to have extensive and in-depth coverage of the facts that we may have encountered in our lives, and we may end up drawing the deepest and most profound ideas that will transform us to new areas of growth and understanding, no matter the quest or task that we might be presented with.

Keeping a Sense of Identity as Key to How to Write Reflection Paper

Above all else know thy self is an old exhortation that is alas, a prerequisite and consequence of being able to reflect on issues and the person. Indeed, the difference that may exist between other animals and humans is that humans are capable of reflection while most of the other animals may not have the same privilege. Because of the sophistication, we show in the use of language. We can write reflection papers. A paper has a particular structure that allows us to have optimal thoughts on a subject. Therefore how to write a reflection paper entails the significant aspects enumerated below.

An analogy used by ancients is that of the human being compared to a charioteer trying to keep a rein on otherwise unruly horses to get to his or her destination. This article contends that this act is one that is similar to the writing of a reflection paper. This holding of reins and control of thought process is about:

  • Being Mindful or aware of every action and event
  • Learning to control the intellect so that its power can be focused and not diverted
  • Learning to pick points of advantage and learning along with the average experience of life
  • Using these opportunities to transform the self

A reflection paper then is the outcome of concerted effort to hold the mind together and to find the inner resources within ourselves and within the objects and events that we meet in life. If we maintain a proper sense of identity and awareness in our action then we can begin to know how to write an influential reflection paper. As we noted earlier in the case of Narcissus, developing a reflection paper thesis is risky business if we are unaware of who we are. Therefore we must always be vigilant by asking mindful questions at all times. For example, we need to be aware of our breathing continually.

Rudolph Steiner had a 5 point exercise that he taught which involved the practitioner to ask himself or herself what they were thinking about, how they felt, what new opportunities they were seeing, the positive aspects of the experience they were having, and how to find inner harmony and serenity in whatever knowledge they had. Such fundamental questions form the rudiments of a good reflection paper. The key to his to write a reflection paper and to find compelling reflection paper thesis is to be able to overcome selfishness and fear. And these questions go a long way in setting the thinker on the right path.

The Correct Method of Thought and Reflection

Once we are mindful of our thought and actions, we need to be able to think correctly to come up with practical reflection papers. The view is hardly an intuitive process given the inhibition of the mind to jump on resonating ideas and memories. An excellent way to illustrate this point is to engage in the exercise of following the breath like the Zen monks. The activity entails sitting in a comfortable position and trying to be aware of how breath enters and leaves the body. It usually is challenging to do five minutes of the exercise without the mind wandering and getting lost.

Therefore it is always essential for us to have an effective method for holding the mind together. The most useful set of technique for this purpose while learning his to write a reflection paper is:

  • Controlled research and investigation
  • Embracing the proper method of following the inquiry with a meta-analysis that is, looking critically at our thought and investigation process
  • Learning his to adopt the appropriate thought technique to circumstances. For example, the beginning of thought on a subject may need somatic awareness. There are cases where the body refuses to cooperate with emotional and conflicting information. Such situations require a ‘soft belly' approach where we make a conscious effort and will to allow conflict into our systems without fear.
  • Having the intention to transform situations towards a specified objective

If human activities were not goal oriented, then it would be impossible to have reflection papers. It is when we have clear goals that we can learn and interact with the events and demands of our lives. How to write reflection papers entails a constant recalling of what we want to achieve or experience in the first place. Perception is always limited to what we focus upon, and considering the almost uncountable stimuli around us, it must follow that we should focus on a small set of what there is per time. How can this be possible if we do not limit our thoughts to some specific intention?

A reflection paper thesis begins to emerge when we get aware of our intentions, and we apply specific techniques of thought to experience. This is a lifestyle. Ancient thinkers institutionalized such a lifestyle in schools, ritual, and daily practice. This institutionalization has been termed as ‘spirituality' and is essential for anyone seeking to have the most evident reflection on what is compared to simply what is desired. We show how to write reflection paper when our workflows naturally from our lifestyles and especially if the flow is unconscious.

Strategy for Interpretation

A reflection paper thesis is essentially a summary or precis of an intended view and approach that a subject has selected or inferred in the course if reflecting on their experience. Such a conception of strategy entails applying of certain principles of action derived from an established body of knowledge on a situation. Usually, the situation is analyzed or understood in specific and constant terms. In our case, we hold that all things are analyzable or perceptible under the four essential elements of air, fire, water, and earth. Translating this into more straightforward modes of interpretation, we use the objected oriented model and its basic structure to determine the exact natures if objects and their interactions.

The strategy is generally about power and therefore, how to write a reflection paper is about his to understand and use energy in the circumstances. Power, in this case, is more about conforming to the laws of nature and adapting them to situations. This means that we need to:

  • Understand the power and be aware of how ability helps us to create reality
  • Knowing how not to lose power
  • Understanding the art of using power
  • Creation of facts

Reflection paper thesis making can only be sensible if and when we know what realities we wish to create. If we have no clue about what we want to achieve then we can not be able to judge the quality of our work and thought. Instead, we'll find ourselves drifting from perception to perception and developing mediocre thought of no serious consequence to us or others.

Therefore a reflection paper that is worth the salt must be about how a subject finds and uses power to fashion a certain kind of reality deemed desirable. Ethically this entails the awareness of the consequence that follows if all or most humans emulate the subject in terms of thought and action. This consideration forms a higher rank of understanding and reflection and provides control against Narcissus's weakness.

Application of Strategy for Reflection Paper

How to write a reflection paper is about knowing how to apply the results of reflection to change reality as previously deduced. But to use the effects of thinking, we not only need to know about our original intentions, but we also need to understand our contexts of operation carefully. The first term used in this case is that of being aware of the game computation context. What is the space of interaction? For example, we need to be mindful of ecosystems or the natures of the complex systems that contain us and our actions. We need to understand who other players are and what they wish to get a payoff.

Such knowledge that is essential for reflection paper thesis is derived by:

  • Doing or exercising a quantitative analysis of actors and consequence to determine the game computation conditions that are in play
  • Using both quantitative and qualitative analysis to decipher the strategies enacted by other players
  • Discovering how one can be involved in an intelligent play
  • To calculate and measure the feasibility of the highest expected outcome or benefits

A reflection paper thesis that is effective and significant must have an end goal that is adaptive in a circumstance. This is because the main aim for all intelligent agents is to adapt and maximize on their purpose per any given context.

Therefore if the context is known, and the conditions are well specified then we are in a position to derive an appropriate reflection paper thesis and besides that we can be able to demonstrate how to write reflection papers that are non trivial and idea that we can be motivated to work with without wastage of energy and other resources.


If we have developed a good reflection paper thesis, then we know what we are about, and settling down to write becomes no big deal. That is the art of how to write reflection papers is directly dependent on the clarity of our purpose and the clarity of identity and technique, as illustrated in the last paragraphs. At this point, the essential thing is to have a draft essay worked out so that we can see the detail of our thought more clearly. This is because most of what we have said or tackled has been written in point form and even in the language of formal logic and mathematics.

All in all, how to write a reflection paper is similar to the process and structure of how to write any other form of essay. The critical structure of the document entails:

  • An introduction
  • The main body
  • A conclusion

As is customary, the opening has a statement designed to hold the reader's attention and a recounting of the experience or situation for reflection and providing the reflection paper thesis.

Review and Refining of Reflection Paper Thesis

Once the conventions of basic essay writing have been followed, it is essential to review and refine the work through conventional methods.


Keep this guide with you and follow it step by step whenever you're assigned a reflection paper. You're guaranteed to come up with a great paper!