How to Write Brilliant Topic Sentences

Thoughts are things created when we structure language in a way that conveys meaning and effects reality. This structuring of language in effect depends on how we derive topic sentences and elaborate them in a paragraph. Each paragraph is then linked to other paragraphs according to logic and purpose to end up with a whole essay that facilitates a cogent and coherent delivery of the thought to a prospective reader, who in turn, is able to synthesize the thought and come up with a set of actions that are often an appropriate response to the prompt implied by the essay or thought. This article focuses on the definitions of the basic structures of thinking that help us to know how to write topic sentences.

Basic Components Determining Topic Sentences

Topic sentences are parts of thought that facilitate elaboration and finalization of key ideas and suggestions of a composite body. Their general mode of operation is such that they guide the general flow of an argument or thought so that the different parts of the thought can be analyzed and created separately. It is also on the other hand to facilitate synthesis and the emergence of a unique view or idea that is generally implemented or taken as a prompt of some action as criticism or further investigation. These topic sentences are often stated in a paragraph's opening and are supported by other kinds of statements towards a conclusion.

The task of how to write topic sentences is greatly facilitated by reminding ourselves of the basic parts of a thought as presented in an essay. These parts are generally generated using basic logic structures that determine an argument and are as follows:

  • Kinds of essays
  • Paragraphs and their connections
  • Sentences making the paragraph
  • Clauses that create the different sentences

Each of these components determines the whole choice and reality of how we get to write topic sentences. This is because the components and how they are defined passes the basic purpose of a thought and creates a kind of mathematical function through resonance such that the mind is inclined to come up with the kind of examples of topic sentences that fit in with the consciously determined or defined purpose using subconscious and unconscious processes. It may, in fact, be deduced that the language structure taken by essays are supposed to be prompted for intuitive processes that result in utterances that are most appropriate in a context.

In this topic sentences paper we get to see and experience how the above components nudge the mind towards the production of utterance that conforms with a deeper sense of logic that can be easily appreciated by an audience because by relying on an intuitive idea and utterance generation method the context and meaning of a text are easily appreciated. This appreciation, in turn, facilitates the triggering of resonant thoughts that determine meaning and purpose and more than that, they facilitate the unconscious or subconscious adoption of roles in the reader such that at the end, each reader automatically undertakes some form of action or actions.

Processes Involved for How to Write Topic Sentences

We learn how to write topic sentences by subjecting the components of an essay to a logical method or algorithm that leaves the mind with a narrow field of action that forces it to generate ideas that fit best with the purpose and structure of the thought structure that we call an essay. These processes are in turn determined mathematically or logically according to the nature of numbers as explicated in the Pythagorean and most ancient tradition that avers that all things are numbers. Or another analogy we can use is that of music such these processes are musical in the sense that they are combined in varying proportions to generate melody and harmony. That is, the processes are meant to end up with an aesthetic effect.

We write topic sentences after working out the processes explicated above which are in turn comprised of a set of sequential activities that are synthesized together to form an organic and emergent whole facilitating the automatic process of the mind creatively generating appropriate examples of topic sentences. These processes are:

  • Research and investigation on topic prompts
  • Essay type determination
  • Thesis development and emergence
  • Thesis support and proof generation

Once these separate processes are executed, we lead the mind to make unconscious inferences that develop our topic sentences paper to a level facilitating the creation of cogent and highly impactful thoughts. This is because the processes break down the implied purpose of a thinker and the chosen type of essay to categories in our neural networks. These neural networks, in turn, activate electron movement accompanied by a concomitant activation of appropriate photon networks that are shared across participants in the essay or thought creation activity.

Since the mind operates using attention to resonance and resonant objects, the conscious mind generates the appropriate brilliant topic sentences effortlessly. The main idea at this point is to write the ideas that come to mind without censorship or conscious control. This activity may be termed as automatic writing. Normally such writing expresses what is deep in us and is an actual attempt at inner conflict resolution between our inner desires and inclinations and the requirements inferred in our writing context. This aspect of automatic and unconscious led writing guides the process of how to write topic sentences that are most appropriate in a context.

Structuring Essays with Examples of Topic Sentences

The immediately preceding section may be termed as the prewriting level of our task. What follows is the rough drafting of our entire sample essay by writing down examples of topic sentences for each intended paragraph using the prewriting samples generated. These examples of topic sentences, in turn, guide the logical requirements for each corresponding paragraphs. The intention at this level is to ensure that we begin to construct the whole essay still using the unconscious and subconscious mind as a guide, while also incorporating the conscious mind to ensure that language use is brought to maturity using conscious logic.

We develop knowledge of how to write topic sentences when we practice the deeper levels if idea organization as shown in the last paragraph. This level activity that we have referred to as rough drafting entails the following:

  • Paragraph description and analysis
  • Determination of each paragraph's logical requirements
  • Analysis of the general effect of each paragraph
  • Purpose alignment and investigation for effectiveness

When we write topic sentences during the rough drafting, we get a hint of how our unconscious mind intends to deal with or explicate the ideas that are relevant to our essay. These drafts, in turn, activate queries of how to logically complete them. Our knowledge of language and paragraphs structure then leads us to develop appropriate arguments that elaborate and support the topic sentence we have written. Such action inevitably leads to examples of topic sentences that are well structured in terms of coherence and cogency.

Our topic sentences paper then implies that we need to follow a systematic process that develops from logically connected components whose main aim is to allow the unconscious and subconscious mind to generate topic sentences of such quality that can be described as ‘brilliant'. Brilliance arises out of the harmony and fit of numbers between the constructed ideas and the receptive facilities if the human body and mind. As noted earlier this aesthetic quality is generated because all humans are primarily linked at the unconscious and subconscious levels and since we have been following a mathematical process modeled on the four basic elements explicated in ancient tradition then we prompt resonance and rhythm into our minds and communication.

Implementing Final Versions of Topic Sentences

We move from rough draft to the first draft in our topic sentences paper. This motion is facilitated by trying to fill in the logic of each paragraph as per the requirements prompted by the drafted topic sentences. Each logical statement is then linked to other logical statements whose premises are defined by the standard structure of logical arguments where the premises vary in quality and purpose. The overall effect and structure then can be analyzed and weighed using standard measures of validity and truth values. The final product then allows us to be able to perceive the correct form required for our task of how to write topic sentences.

The exact tasks required for this implementation of the first draft are also logical methods that resonate with the above methods that we have used to generate and write topic sentences. In this case, we intend to develop refined examples of topic sentences through:

  • Topic sentences reconstruction
  • Development of appropriate paragraph logic
  • Essay effectiveness construction and analysis
  • Purpose alignment and verification

Our topic sentences paper can then be taken to the completed first draft where the topic sentences are now elucidated to a higher degree of refinement and effectiveness. This is because the logical prompts that have been developed along the preceding levels of development have now been completed and we are aware of how our thinking is aligned with the initial intentions implied by the essay choice we derived after our first action of research and investigation. We are, therefore, at an advanced stage in our quest for how to write topic sentences for any model essay.

The remaining critical factor at this level is whether the examples of topic sentences in our model essay form a coherent and aesthetic relationship with the thesis statement and evaluation as to the level or degree of conformity is observed. Our idea when we write topic sentences is that we need a whole construction of paragraphs whose logic reiterates and affirms the thesis statement that we derived from research and investigation if the topic that we want to think about and elaborate on. The simple way to ensure there is such cogence is through the development of a proof of the thesis using the premises implied by the respective topic sentences hold or implies the thesis statement.

Synthesis and Refinement of Our Topic Sentences Paper

If the thesis statement is proven by the premises described by the topic sentences implied by our topic sentences paper, we are ready to have a complete evaluation of the thought we have developed and to sew what emerges from the entire composition. This action is the synthesis of our entire argument and final evaluation of truth where the primary concern here is the applicability of what we have developed. At this moment, it is appropriate to recall the final aims of the thesis developed. Depending on the essay type anticipated in our work, we are able to deduce the appropriate uses of the thought developed. If the requirements for the thought are met then the topic sentences are deemed as appropriate and valid.

The basic steps or method for ensuring we know how to write topic sentences follows logically from the steps that we have developed so far. These steps entail the following activities or logical steps:

  • Purpose examination
  • Total logical analysis with respect to final aims
  • Paragraph arrangement and refinement
  • Essay completion and proofreading

Our topic sentences paper is brought to a conclusion when we prove that the final aims of our essay can and are met by the main premises of the thought as represented by the topic sentences we have developed for each paragraph of the essay.

This means that we show that we know how to write topic sentences when the premises of the argument are well articulated and supported. This criterion is determined not just by a logical analysis of the composition but by a final simulation of the idea to generate the required outcomes.

Examples of Topic Sentences

Each of the paragraphs in this article has begun with a topic sentence. Pick any random paragraph and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is each topic sentences connected to the thesis and any preceding paragraphs?
  • Does each topic sentence lead to an elaboration of ideas connected to it?
  • Can you identify the controlling idea for the sample topic sentence?
  • Is the topic for each sentence easy to determine?


This article has defined the components of a thought and shown how a thought is made topic sentences and how each topic sentence is a premise for the whole.